Finding A Job Quicker

Mid-Career Applicants

Start our ‘How to get a job’ programme now.

Get hired as quickly as possible.

New Job Training and Placement

We listen attentively to your career history; analyse it to decode who you are as a person, your needs and aspirations to help us carve out your competitive advantage.

We will help you find your desired job. Each applicant’s situation is different, so we will work with you until you secured a role.


Powerful and complete employment-readiness services.

Does this really apply to me?

If you are mid-career, you may well be thinking – is this relevant to my situation? I have a good job, a decent salary, and a strong CV. Why change anything?

Because complacency is dangerous. And it always pays to be prepared.

Stuck and frustrated

First, you’re about to hit the ‘mid-career ceiling’. Promotion and advancement may have been easy so far. But it’s going to get much harder. As you climb the career ladder, opportunities for promotion are going to start to dry up.

There are only so many executive positions available. Are you really so sure that they’re going to fall into your lap?

Look left, look right, at your colleagues working at the same level as you. Are you certain that you can outshine them if you’re all applying for the same post? Or will your friend and equal on the next desk along suddenly become your boss? What then?

A nightmare scenario

Second, you need to think about job security. In these uncertain economic times, is your job totally safe? Most people think so, right up to the point that they’re told they’re no longer needed.

And if the worst were to happen, would you be 100% ready to win a new post? It may be a while since you had to apply for anything. Your skill-set might be out of date. And of course, the job market is more competitive than ever.

Imagine spending months unemployed. Struggling to pay your mortgage. Having to cut back on life’s luxuries. Holiday plans on hold.

This might seem like an extreme scenario. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

We can help

At Norwood Employability, we take your long-term career prospects and future prosperity very seriously.

We can help to update your skillset and give you the tools you need to keep climbing the career ladder, all the way to landing management roles.

And if the worst happens, and you do find yourself out of a job, we’ll make sure you’re ready to bounce back and get a new – and perhaps better – job, fast.

Act NOW!

Don’t delay. Future-proof your career and guarantee your continuing success.

If you are mid-career, we can show you have to break through to executive level toward landing management roles, giving you the knowledge, skills and confidence to change jobs if needed.

Norwood Employability’s ‘Finding A Job Quicker’ training programme prepares you for the job market. It covers all the employment-readiness services we offer and takes two months to complete.

The following deck indicates precisely how we achieve this with you.

Download Brochure

You participate in LIVE one-on-one video coaching sessions with our employability manager, Dr. Ita John, two times a week.

Start this programme now. Get hired as quickly as possible.

Let's Talk With Dr. Ita John


The fastest way to get the career position you want and deserve.

  • Each month you remain unemployed, you’re losing money – on average £50,000 a year! Don’t let this income slip through your fingers. Enrol in our ‘get the job quicker’ training programme today.
  • Schools don’t teach you how to find a job when you graduate.
  • Using Google is NOT an effective way to find the information you need to apply for the job you deserve. You need an experienced career coach to guide you through the process – and we can provide that experience and expertise.
  • We base the training packages we offer you on our specialised knowledge, backed by our focus group research and assured to land you a job faster than the alternative.
  • Your future is in your hands. Act NOW to get the career you deserve.

Start the programme now.

Get hired as quickly as possible.
Let's Talk With Dr. Ita John

Proven tools & techniques to jump-start your career, right now.

An intensive coaching programme for professionals, management/executive level applicants, mid-career, new graduate applicants

1. What job?

We will work with you to determine the most appropriate job or career you should aim for (for undergraduates, the earlier you think about this, the better!).

2. Attention LinkedIn!

We will revamp and improve your LinkedIn profile to a top professional level, making sure that it is ‘client-facing’ and that it stands out from the crowd.

Visit our partner website to create your free LinkedIn profile.

3. Networking = Gold

We will teach you a strategy that will enable you to connect with hundreds of professionals on LinkedIn. Many of them will already be working in the role you aspire to, and by networking with them, you will get a job referral much quicker.

4. Hidden job market

We can identify and profile the companies you should target. We’ll show you how to access the “hidden job market” and put you in touch with the “market- makers” (the people who are the front-liners or key players in your industry), so you can ask them to give you a job!

Managers often prefer to hire candidates who are referred to them by people whose opinion they value

Abby Thomas, ManhattanBranch Manager for the Robert Half Recruitment Agency.

Being in direct contact with these individuals will provide you with access to game-changing opportunities. We will show you examples of real-life messages our clients have sent to these high-powered individuals, specially tailored so that they will be falling over themselves to respond and help you out!

We’ll show you how to track the email you send and monitor when they’ve opened your message, so you know when to follow up.

5. Wowing CVs

We will show you how to revamp your CV to create a “wow factor”, using every bullet point to showcase your “transferable skills” + “technical knowledge” + “quantified results.”

And whatever your industry, we’ll show you how to highlight your all-important skills in COLLABORATION, TEAMWORK and MEETING DEADLINES.

Our CV creating partner is CVJury. Visit here to create a free CV. And use the free CV scanner.

6. Solid cover letters

We’ll show you how to develop a suitable Cover Letter for every job application, showing you the best examples of cover letters that are impossible for employers to overlook.

Connect with our sister website to create your free cover letters.

7. Nailing interviews

We’ll teach you how to ace every interview using our powerful tools -the”30-60-90-day plan” and the B-A-C-A-R Framework.

8. Always negotiate

We’ll explain how to negotiate your salary, increasing it by 5-15%!

This plan is a document we’ll teach you to create showing what you’ll do within the first 30, 60, and 90 days to add value to an organisation when they employ you.

Take a closer look at our specialist job finding success process:

Start programme now.

Get hired as quickly as possible.
Let's Talk With Dr. Ita John

Focused & Flexible Method of Training & Learning

We do conduct the training in a friendly and relaxed setting.
We use Skype or Zoom or TeamViewer etc. – whatever works for you!
We provide all the materials ─ templates, videos, reading/study material links
100% customer satisfaction job offer


We have total confidence in the process we’ve developed to help you land a job quicker.

So, we’re convinced that you may well get multiple job offers. You only need to IMPLEMENT everything and trust our process. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to get the results, if you follow our advice.

And if you do, we have some much faith in our methods that we know there will be ZERO RISK of you not landing a job.

Work with us for the full 60 days and put everything we teach you into practice.

Because we pre-qualify who we work with – the ‘I can do it’ professionals, we know you’ll land the job you deserve.

If not, we would come back and do what we’ve done again and again until you get the outcome we’ve agreed, an offer letter in hand – no hassles, no hard feelings.

Want to chat with Dr Ita John?

Get a FREE 30-minute introductory session.
Simply book your call at

Norwood Employability

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